Sustainability & Impact Report


Governing Sustainability


GRI Standards: 2-9, 2-12, 2-13, 201-2


At UA, sustainability is a team effort that involves all of us.

Teammates rely on each other to do the work and do it well. We have built the policies, processes and structures to ensure that our teammates, suppliers and stakeholders know where we stand when it comes to ethical behavior and appropriate oversight of everything we do. These shared principles allow us to deliver on what we’ve set out to achieve.

Sustainability Governancy Structure

Our Sustainability Team


Our sustainability team is responsible for creating, implementing and operationalizing the vision, strategy, policies, standards, procedures and structures related to labor, human rights, health and safety, environment and transparency. Our UA sustainability teammates have expertise in environmental management, human rights due diligence, supply chain social and labor compliance, worker well-being, stakeholder engagement, intra- and inter-sector collaborations and sustainability data analysis.


Located in the United States, Central America, Europe and Southeast Asia, our sustainability teammates regularly and strategically interact with teams across the enterprise, regions and supply chain, which allow us to integrate sustainability principles and practices into our business operations. The sustainability team is led by our chief sustainability officer, who reports directly to our chief operating officer.

Sustainability Leadership Council 


Our Sustainability Leadership Council (SLC) provides further direction and accountability for sustainability at UA. The SLC includes our chief people and administrative officer, chief product officer, general counsel and corporate secretary, and chief sustainability officer. It reviews and approves key sustainability strategies and goals. The SLC also aims to incorporate the results of our sustainability program and related due diligence efforts into business processes and drive enterprise and business unit level accountability and operational improvements. The SLC regularly reviews reports on issues, risks, findings and trends related to manufacturer compliance with laws and labor-related codes and benchmarks.

Governing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 


Driving meaningful, sustainable change in diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) requires the participation of all our teammates, as well as investment in and dedicated resources for both strategy and execution. Our DE&I operating model ensures DE&I is integrated into every level of the organization, and our DE&I team is led by the vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion. This team is responsible for the strategic execution of DE&I across all our organizational functions including retail, distribution and corporate.


The DE&I team is supported by our Global Teammate Equity and Accountability Movement (T.E.A.M.) Council. T.E.A.M. Council members include a cross-functional group of leaders, nominated by the executive leadership team, who support the creation and management of DE&I goals specific to their department. T.E.A.M. Council members manage business unit–specific councils focused on activating and amplifying inclusive business practices specific to their respective functions. DE&I goals are embedded into the annual incentive plan for all teammates, including executives.


In addition to our DE&I team and councils, our nine Teammate Resource Groups (TRGs) are integral to the execution of our DE&I strategy. These teammate-led groups create community, provide support and promote career and professional development. 

Environmental, Social & Governance Task Force


Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Task Force, which includes leaders from environmental, social and governance teams across the company, was created to ensure that we holistically consider, and are accountable for, sustainability and ESG at UA. The ESG Task Force meets regularly to discuss and collaborate on key issues and initiatives related to the environment; social and labor; DE&I; community impact and other ESG topics.

Board Oversight: Sustainability & DE&I Governance


Our Board of Directors has a longstanding commitment to overseeing sound, effective corporate governance. Our strong corporate governance practices are codified in our Corporate Governance Guidelines and other key documents, demonstrating our board’s commitment to enabling an effective structure for the successful oversight of our business, including our long-term objectives. For more information on our corporate governance practices, see our most recent proxy statement.


The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee of our Board of Directors, which meets at least quarterly, oversees our company’s significant strategies, programs, policies and practices relating to sustainability, including environmental and human rights issues and impacts, as well as corporate responsibility. The Human Capital and Compensation Committee of our Board of Directors, which also meets at least quarterly, reviews with management our key human capital management strategies and programs, including those relating to DE&I. Both committees consist entirely of independent directors and regularly report to the full Board of Directors on these matters. For more information, see our committee charters.

Last updated September 2023

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